Lạng Sơn 1978 APK

download Lạng Sơn 1978 APK 2024

App By:
1.73 For Android
Updated On:
may. 05, 2023
19.3 MB
Required Android:
Role Playing

It has come to an end. The "Cold War" between the United States and the Soviet Union has reached its zenith. Each faction intervenes in and gets involved in all wars and conflicts around the world in order to gain power and influence. In parallel to that, superpowers are engaged in an arms race by launching destructive weapons and advanced means to threaten rival countries. Humanity is surrounded by a haunting specter of nuclear war...

The period is also marked by the "rise" of China, which is taking steps to realize the "Chinese dream" and to eliminate the Soviet Union from regional geopolitical chessboards. The region of East Asia. 

IN 1978, VIETNAM...

The two regions have been reunified for three years now. As Vietnam emerges from the ruins left by war, it is still a country in the process of rebuilding. Furthermore, Pol Pot's genocidal forces in Cambodia and even his "kind brother" in the North still plot to cause conflicts that threaten the nascent independence of the S-shaped territory.

Phuong, a southern student, had to give up her dream of becoming a teacher and volunteered to join the army to "cleanse" her family. A border post in Lang Son province was assigned to Phuong's unit for some reason.

It is possible to temporarily consider the first month of working here as "peaceful". The following months brought rumors of "man-eating forest ghosts" in the area...

I'm glad you're here! Wild mountains and forests, where nature has created an extremely 'beautiful' yet 'brutal' natural world, are all associated with human life...

How to Download Lạng Sơn 1978 APK ?

  1. Click on the download button to get "Lạng Sơn 1978 APK".
  2. Click on Install Download File after downloading the file.
  3. Complete the installation process by opening the Installer.
  4. Allow "Unknown Source" in the settings.
  5. Let it complete the installation on your smartphone.
  6. Get Free Unlimited Everything with the Lạng Sơn 1978 APK .

What Are The Benefits & Negatives Of Downloading Lạng Sơn 1978 APK Directly?


  • A third-party website allows you to download any version of the app directly. It may be possible to download the app you need from their app archives.
  • The download process is instant, unlike the play store, so you won't have to wait for verification, etc.
  • After downloading the APK file, it will be stored in your memory card/system memory. The software can therefore be uninstalled and reinstalled as many times as necessary without having to download.


  • Google usually does not verify apps downloaded from third-party sources. Consequently, your phone could be at risk.
  • The Apk files you download may contain viruses that corrupt your phone or steal your data.
  • The Google Play Store does not have access to your apps, so they won't be automatically updated.


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