Kai Access APK

download Kai Access APK 2025

6.0.23 For Android
Updated On:
ago 16, 2023
49 MB
Required Android:
Travel & Local

Access by KAI is the official application from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), which provides users with easy access to various services related to train travel in Indonesia.

Reservations for tickets

There are various menus available for ordering train tickets in Access by KAI, including intercity tickets, local tickets, LRT Jabodebek tickets, KCI tickets, Airport tickets, and Fast Train tickets.

If you are interested in scheduling connected trains in the Access by KAI application, you can use the Connecting Train menu. In the application, a combination of connecting train schedules will be found based on the user's preferences

Reservations and bookings

Ticket management is available through the Access by KAI application. Through the Check & Add Ticket menu, passengers can add tickets purchased from external channels to the Access by KAI application. You can change the schedule, cancel the ticket, transfer the ticket, or print your e-boarding pass after adding the ticket. The Access by KAI application now includes this feature, so passengers do not have to worry about going to the station.

Program for loyalty

As a form of gratitude to our loyal customers, Railpoin is PT Kereta Api Indonesia's loyalty reward program. Whenever you purchase a train ticket, you will earn rail points that you can exchange for train tickets or at your favorite merchant. Become a premium member and enjoy the benefits!

Lifestyle & entertainment

The purpose of entertainment is to provide people with enjoyment or pleasure. Playing games, listening to music, and watching movies are some of the things I enjoy doing.

The concept of entertainment and lifestyle is closely related because entertainment can be a part of one's lifestyle.

These activities are supported by several features in the KAI Access application, including:

A trip planner assists users in planning their trips. Providing information and organizing trips are also part of what we do. Trip planners allow users to plan trips more efficiently, find relevant information, and save time.

The PPOB system allows users to process payments electronically faster and more efficiently. At Access by KAI, PPOB is already available with products such as credit purchases, data packages, and electricity tokens.

The Railfood service integrates with the Access by KAI Application to make it easier for customers to order food and drinks before or during train travel.

We serve a selection of typical train culinary delights and regional specialties on our food and beverage menu.

The EoB and Premium Entertainment applications allow passengers to watch movies streaming without having to worry about internet quotas while traveling on the train.

It is a paid entertainment feature that allows you to watch movies anywhere and at any time in a streaming format.

Integration of intermoda

KAI's access to trains provides convenience and can be integrated with other modes of transportation, such as taxis and buses. The aim is to make it possible for users to plan their trips by train as well as order other modes of transportation

Get the ACCESS by KAI application now to experience the convenience of train travel.

How to Download Kai Access APK ?

  1. Click on the download button to get "Kai Access APK".
  2. Click on Install Download File after downloading the file.
  3. Complete the installation process by opening the Installer.
  4. Allow "Unknown Source" in the settings.
  5. Let it complete the installation on your smartphone.
  6. Get Free Unlimited Everything with the Kai Access APK .


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