Messenger Old Version APK

download Messenger Old Version APK 2024

416. For Android
Updated On:
jul 08, 2023
54 MB
Required Android:

Messenger allows you to send free private messages, images, and videos to groups.

Using Facebook Messenger, users can communicate with unlimited text, voice, and video calls. Connecting with friends and family across different platforms is made seamless with the app's features.

Featured in:

Cross-app messaging and calling - Connect with friends on Instagram by searching for their name or username.

Message delivery options - A new privacy setting enables users to decide who can contact them and where their messages will be delivered.

User reactions - Users can express themselves with custom reactions & emojis.

Chat themes - Customize your conversations with fun themes.

Watch movies, TV shows, and videos together - With Messenger's video chat and group room capabilities, you'll be able to watch movies, TV shows, and videos with friends and family.

Free video calls - Host video calls for up to 8 participants with high-quality audio and video features, including filters, and host video calls with high-quality audio and video quality.

Unlimited texting and calls - Keep in touch with Facebook friends globally without exchanging telephone numbers.

Dark mode - Use the sleek interface that darkens chat interface colors for a more comfortable visual experience.

Video and voice messages - Say it out loud with the option to record and send a video or voice message.

Stickers, GIFs, and emojis - Enhance your conversations with stickers, effects, and filters during video calls.

Sharing files - You can share files, photos, and videos without worrying about the size limit.

Plan and make it happen - Polls and location sharing allow users to make plans quickly and simply.

Sending and receiving money with added security - Within the US, users can send and receive money securely.

Chat with businesses - Interact rapidly and efficiently with businesses through the app.

Compatible across platforms - Messenger works across desktops and portals.

How to Download Messenger Old Version APK ?

  1. Click on the download button to get "Messenger Old Version APK".
  2. Click on Install Download File after downloading the file.
  3. Complete the installation process by opening the Installer.
  4. Allow "Unknown Source" in the settings.
  5. Let it complete the installation on your smartphone.
  6. Get Free Unlimited Everything with the Messenger Old Version APK .

What Are The Benefits & Negatives Of Downloading Messenger Old Version APK Directly?


  • A third-party website allows you to download any version of the app directly. It may be possible to download the app you need from their app archives.
  • The download process is instant, unlike the play store, so you won't have to wait for verification, etc.
  • After downloading the APK file, it will be stored in your memory card/system memory. The software can therefore be uninstalled and reinstalled as many times as necessary without having to download.


  • Google usually does not verify apps downloaded from third-party sources. Consequently, your phone could be at risk.
  • The Apk files you download may contain viruses that corrupt your phone or steal your data.
  • The Google Play Store does not have access to your apps, so they won't be automatically updated.


You are in the right place if you want to download the app. This is the fastest download procedure and the latest version we will share with you all. Therefore, you should tap the download button, located at the top and bottom of the page. In just a few seconds, the download will take place. Hopefully, you enjoyed this article, and you will share it with your friends via social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and other sites to let them know how to download Messenger Old Version APK.

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