About Manga RIGHT APK
MangaRIGHT! is a manga reader that has literally everything manga and manhwa
The all-in-one manga reader you've been looking for, Manga RIGHT!
All manga and all Manhwa from the selected source are available and the chapters are always updated automatically, so there is no need to contact us if the chapters are not updated.
Features of Manga RIGHT APK
- Manga from your favorite source is already in the app, you don't need to ask us to add them.
- Chapters are available immediately, never wait for us to manually add them.
- Offline reading: download the manga you wish to read at your leisure
- With a click of a button, you can resume reading the manga from where you left off
- The Otaku level: earn points and reach new levels by reading manga!
- List of all manga you have read in the past
- The source provides updated genre tips from the largest list of genres
- High-quality images
- The fastest loading of images and caching of images to reduce data usage
- Choose whether you want to read a book like A Scroller or an infinite scroller
- Ads are very clear and non-intrusive
You can create a manga list with all your favorite manga and see when new chapters are released.
The following are current sources:
- English: MangaHub, MangaReader, ExFan, MangaLife
- Italiano: MangaEden, MangaWorld
- Español: InManga
- Français: LeLScan-vf, WakaScan
Many more will arrive (contact us at [email protected] to request a specific source or for any other problem)